Friday, 2 September 2016

Why you should apply job at sea ? -By Aryavart Corporation International

Working at shipping company is very different job and well challenging in this real world. Join as seaman at sea is very special and un-expectable experience. There are so many extreme challenging and new experience works at the ship. It was feeling of joy because people who want to work at sea become dream to get job on the ship, see the whole world and involved in the merchant navy business. It is very important to determine all job position on the ship before apply for application. People have to decide which career they will be taken as deck crew or engine officer.

Apply for deck crew such as; cadet, ship navigator or captain of the ship. You also can apply for deck apprentice officer. In the engine field, people can become chief engineer of the ship. Seaman can work starting as deck crew and increase their rating based on long of experience and finally become master or captain of the ship. There are specific skill and knowledge to learn if people want to work or get career at sea. They should learn skill and knowledge about ship navigation, fighting fire on the ship, ship safety, ship survival and ship operation.

There are many dedicated institute available in this real world to learn every seaman or merchant navy job that attract many people to apply for this job because merchant navy career offer high salaries per month and people can travel aboard for free during work on the ship. People are also can improve awareness to keep skill observation for forward career on the ship. At Aryavart Corporation merchant navy institute people can learn and increase management skill and leadership as captain of the ship and marine engineering officer. In this course, people will learn and understand how to be chief officer, second officer, third officer or captain in all ship operation include loading, unloading and carrying cargo to the right destination. As marine engineering, people will learn and understand how to maintain ship engine, batteries, electrical equipment, pumps, propulsion and crank shaft of the ship. There is specific skill and knowledge required to maintain all ship operation in the engine room.

There is no limited field to work on the cargo ship include; bulk career, tanker crew and container ship. There are also many boats and Yacht Company owned by millionaires are looking for and hire professional and skilled seaman which excellent experience. As cadet, people can get income USD 400-800 per mo in the first year. As officer, people can get income between USD2, 000-3,000 per pm and as captain people can get salaries starting at USD 60,000-150,000 per year. This why should apply for job as seaman at sea.